Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Vaccination

I had a strange dream yesterday night. Well, not quite that strange given the kind of circumstances that we find ourselves today, with all that is going on and all that you are now thinking of is how to get the vaccine.

We scan the news channels for any latest news of vaccines to take some solace when they say the availability of vaccines will be ensured in the near future and browse through numerous third party sites that seem to offer alerts on vaccine availability only to find that when you ultimately try to schedule an appointment on the CoWin, you either do not receive the OTP or if you are lucky to receive one, only to find that all the appointments are already booked !!

Needless to say, with all this going on in your mind, when you go to sleep, the kind of dreams you have seems to revolve around vaccines !!

So here I was having finally got an appointment and up early in the morning standing in a queue at a private hospital. I craned my neck to glance in front to see the number of people before me, and to my shock, I could not even see where the line started !! 

There were hundreds, if not thousands of people lined up before me and it was the same case behind me as well.

As I stood there, hundreds of thoughts started flooding my mind. When will my turn come ? What should I ask them ? Is it going to be painful ? Can I drink water immediately after the jab ? When can I take food after the jab ? How long should I wait before returning home ? I took my last vaccine when I was 12, and I never thought I would have to get a jab again in my life. Its been more than a quarter of a century since I took my last jab, it almost feels like it was in my previous birth !! Would it be painful ? I remembered all those false assurances I used to give my little son while taking him for vaccination. Be still, baby, it won’t pain … just a pin-prick … like a mosquito bite… don’t cry… hold him tight… there you are….here good boy don’t cry now…its over… take this chocolate… and that’s it…  he was happy munching his chocolate within minutes. Well, nobody’s got a chocolate ready for me today…

Then a bunch of healthcare volunteers appeared holding crates of vials and syringes.

“The stock has arrived just now”, I thought…

Suddenly there was an announcement on the loudspeaker… “There is an unprecedented crowd today and our staff will not be able to vaccinate each and every one of you”….

“Here goes”, I thought, “looks like my number will not come today. Let me save my thoughts and apprehensions for another day and make my way back for now”…

The announcement continued, “Today all of you will have an opportunity to be the ‘Vaccinated’ and the ‘Vaccinator’…”

“What ?”, I thought , “is it like being the Hunter and the Hunted ?”

The voice continued, “Our volunteers will distribute the vials and syringes to you and each one of you can give the jab to the person in front of you in the queue…”

“Horror of horrors”, I thought, “not only am I going to get a jab from an amateur , I also need to pass on the good deed to another person”

As I received the vial and syringe from a volunteer, I looked behind me to find a man in his late forties or early fifties holding the vial and syringe in each hand and grinning from ear to ear. The word, ’Smiling assassin’ made sense to me now. One look at him and I recognized the type. Always willing to volunteer…thinking they are the experts in everything they do and thinking they are doing good to the other when they are actually causing more harm.

I gulped down hard and managed a wry smile back at him.

I looked in front of me and saw a young woman in her early twenties. “Poor thing”, I thought as I looked at the syringe in my hand.

Before I could think of much, I felt a sharp pain in my right arm. I twisted around in agony, suppressing a scream. His right hand was plunging the syringe into my arm and the vial in his left hand was empty. He had done it !! And my arm was in excruciating pain !!

It was my turn. Now that I knew how bad it pains, my hand trembled thinking of how I was going to give the jab to the young lady in front of me. What if she screams? It would be such an embarrassment. I wanted to ask for help. There were a few nurses walking around helping people and giving demos on how to give the jab. 

I shouted, “Is this supposed to be an intra-muscular or an intra-dermal injection?” (Not that it made any difference to me).

A nurse came up next to me. “Please make it fast”, she said.

I took the syringe in my right hand and was about to prick the person in front of me.

“You need to take the medicine in the syringe first”, the nurse said.

“Oh, sorry”, I pulled plunger and took the medicine into the syringe.

“Now you need to release the air out of the syringe”, the nurse continued, visibly irritated by my total ignorance.

I held the syringe with the needle pointing up and slowly pushed the plunger to release the air out. Then holding the syringe with both my trembling hands and with my eyes shut, I pushed the syringe into the young lady’s arm, waiting for the scream.

But there was no sound. Waited a bit longer…still no sound. Wow, either I was a great jabber or the lady was really brave !! I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her. She had an impassive face as if nothing had happened !!

“Wow”, I thought, “this is one brave lady”… then I looked at the nurse. Her face was not all that impassive…rather it was seething with anger… she glanced alternately at me and then at the site of the injection…

I followed her gaze… the needle of the syringe had only pierced the sleeve of her dress !!

I gave a sheepish smile. This was embarrassing…I apologized for having made a hole in the dress.

The nurse snatched the syringe from my hand and then she pinched the young lady’s arm to create a bulge and pushed the syringe in.

“Now that’s how you give a jab”, she said, “Now go ahead and press the vaccine in”, as she placed my thumb back on the plunger.

I obliged and heaved a huge sigh of relief that it was finally done…feeling ready to go home after a victory in battle, when the loudspeaker turned on again. “Congratulations everyone. This was the first doze of this vaccine. See you all in the afternoon today !! This vaccine needs to be taken three times a day for three days to complete your first course of vaccination”

I fainted….


Van Dana said...

Hahaha, good one. I was all smiles while reading 😃
Keep writing.

Unknown said...

You have the right technique and finesse to try non fiction writing and strike the humorous chord. Good one; making people laugh is not easy at all.